Additional Email Content for WooCommerce

Append additional content in WooCommerce emails based on various conditions

Works with all e-mails

Stand out from the competition by delivering personalized and relevant content to your customers’ inboxes. Works with all WooCommerce e-mails.

Change position

You can change the position of your content to show up before or after the order details table and you can even show it after the customer details.

Multiple conditions

You can setup multiple conditional logic for your content based on the order’s shipping method, payment method and product category.

Net price. Single purchase. Use it on as many websites as you like.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive your download file via email upon payment.

The plugin will notify you that there is an update available directly in the WordPress Dashboard, same as the other plugins. You can update with a single click.

Sure, just send me an e-mail, but please describe what you are looking for, maybe i can implement your feature request.