Review Reminder
E-mails for WooCommerce

Send your customers e-mails asking them to leave a review about their recent purchase. With a custom thank you page, they can upload images too.

Send Review Request Emails

  • Allow customers to write and submit reviews with an easy-to-use, in-email form without the hassle of being redirected to another page or website
  • Automate the scheduling of email sending with a brief delay of a couple of days following a change in order status to completed

Thank you page with image upload

  • Setup a custom the thank you page where your customers are directed after submitting a review.
  • Enable a seamless process for customers to upload extra images alongside their reviews

Showcase Select Customer Reviews

  • The uploaded images will appear automatically on the product page in the built-in WooCommerce product reviews section
  • Use a shortcode to display reviews with images on any custom page in a grid format

Net price. Single purchase. Use it on as many websites as you like.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive your download file via email upon payment.

The plugin will notify you that there is an update available directly in the WordPress Dashboard, same as the other plugins. You can update with a single click.

Sure, just send me an e-mail, but please describe what you are looking for, maybe i can implement your feature request.