Product User Guides for WooCommerce

Upload PDF user guides for products, which are sent to the customer by e-mail and can be downloaded from the product page too

Upload any file

You can simply upload PDF or any other file under the product’s advanced settings tab.

Embed in emails

The uploaded user guide will appear in the e-mails just below the product’s name int he order details table.

Show on the product page

Optionally you can show the user guide on the product page too, under the additional information tab.

Net price. Single purchase. Use it on as many websites as you like.

Frequently Asked Questions

You will receive your download file via email upon payment.

The plugin will notify you that there is an update available directly in the WordPress Dashboard, same as the other plugins. You can update with a single click.

Sure, just send me an e-mail, but please describe what you are looking for, maybe i can implement your feature request.